When manufacturing a new car, it is important to determine it's fuel efficiency and other metrics, such as the suspension pressure.
In order to do so, many samples of the car should be tested in various test conditions, and the results should be statistically analyzed.
In this project, I took data for a hypothetical new car, and analyzed it's fuel economy and suspension metrics using R.
MPG Dataset
Suspension Coil Dataset
Run multiple regression analysis to determine the bearing of different variables on the fuel economy (MPG).
Call: lm(formula = mpg ~ vehicle.length + vehicle.weight + spoiler.angle + ground.clearance, data = mpgs)Residuals:
Min | 1st Quartile | Median | 3rd Quartile | Max |
-21.3395 | -4.1155 | -0.2094 | 6.8789 | 17.2672 |
Estimate | Standard Error | T-Value | Pr(>|t|) | |
Intercept | -1.076e+02 | 15.76 | -6.823 | 1.87e-08 |
Vehicle Length | 6.240 | 0.661 | 9.441 | 3.05e-12 |
Vehicle Weight | 1.277e-03 | 6.948e-04 | 1.937 | 0.0728 |
Spoiler Angle | 8.031e-02 | 6.656e-02 | 1.207 | 0.2339 |
Ground Clearance | 3.659 | 0.054 | 6.784 | 2.13e-08 |
Min | 1st Quartile | Median | Mean | 3rd Quartile | Max |
1463 | 1497 | 1500 | 1500 | 1501 | 1536 |
Results of our one-sample t-test on the suspension coil data:
We see that the mean result of the one-sample t-test is 1499.53, with a p-value of 0.51.
Therefore, the mean pressure rating for the suspension coil is not statistically different from the mean population results.
I believe a potential consumer of the car would like to see the driving range of this new car compared to that of it's competition. This metric is important because it has an impact on the amount of time a consumer spends at the gas station, and how often they have to refill. While fuel economy is important, driving range is also important because a car that gets great fuel economy that has a very small tank might be more tedious to own than a less economical car that can go weeks without needing a refill.
In order to determine this, you would need both fuel tank size (in gallons) and fuel economy (in mpg). By multiplying these two, you would get the range. You would need this information for a multitude of cars, each tested many, many times in order to get a good baseline.
The null hypothesis for this study would be that there is no significant, non-random difference between our car's driving range and that of the competition's offerings.
The alternate hypothesis would be that there is a significant difference between our car and it's competitors when it comes to driving range.